Embed Any Document Plus

Embed Any Document Plus Documentation by AWSM Innovations

Embed Any Document Plus 2.1.2

WordPress Plugin

Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via our user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

EAD Intro

'Embed Any Document Plus' WordPress plugin lets you upload and display your documents easily in your WordPress website without any additional browser plugins like Flash or Acrobat reader. 'Plus' version allows you to embed files from your Dropbox, Google Drive and Box.com accounts.

Similar to services like Scribd and SlideShare, 'Embed Any Document Plus' will allow you to embed supported files directly into your page or post, not requiring the user to have any other software installed to view the contents.

What can you use this plugin for?

Embed PDF Files: Do you have a PDF file you want to let people read from your website? Simply embed the document using Embed Any Document Plus. You can even run a website like Scribd using this plugin.

Embed PowerPoint Presentations: Do you want to add your keynotes in your website and let your visitors browse them like in SlideShare? This is the right plugin for you.

Embed Word and Excel documents: It is not so common to see a Word or Excel document embedded in a website. That's because there were no any easy way to do it. Embed Any Document Plus does that too. Check our the live demo.


As a plugin that work entirely depend on third-party cloud services (Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online), Embed Any Document has it's own limitations like not supporting video/audio playback and animations/transitions in the embedded documents. Please read our FAQs for details.

Quick Start Guide

Install Plugin > Configure APIs > Start Embedding Documents. Yes, that's all!

A novice or an expert, you will not need anything more than 5 minutes to get this plugin installed and working in your WordPress website. Read the documentation carefully before you start. We agree that API configuration is a little bit tricky and looks 'high-tech'. Don't worry about it. Our step-by-step guide will help you to tackle it easily.

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A. Installing Plugin

Add Plugin

Before beginning the installation and configuring of the plugin, you must first have WordPress already installed on a server. Once you have setup a copy of WordPress, there are two ways you can go about installing the plugin:

  1. FTP Upload: Unzip the download and upload the plugin directory /embed-any-document-plus/ into your WordPress plugins directory /wp-content/plugins/
  2. WordPress Upload: This is definitely the easiest route for most. Simply navigate to Plugins› Add New Plugin› Upload. Click the "browse" button and locate the still zipped plugin folder. The plugin will be uploaded and installed in a matter of seconds.

B. Embedding Documents

Embed Any Document is integrated seamlessly into the post editor. With a click on 'Add Document' button it lets you upload documents directly into media library and embed them. Currently the plugin supports five methods for adding documents.

Click on the button right next to 'Add Media' button in visual editor to get started.

Add Document

It will open a popup with different options

Add Document Popup

Insert Document Popup with advanced options.

B.1. Upload A Document

This option lets you directly upload documents to your media library. The files will be uploaded to wp-content/uploads folder.

B.2. Add from External URL

Add from URL

Using this option you can add files hosted on a different server. Just insert the direct link in the text box and click on the Insert button. The document will be embedded instantly. The plugin will verify the URL for supported formats before you can insert it.

B.3. Add from Dropbox

Dopbox Popup

This option lets you access and embed documents hosted in your Dropbox. To activate the feature you will need to create an API for your Dropbox account and insert in Embed Any Document Cloud Settings panel.

B.3. Add from Google Drive

Google Drive Popup

This option lets you access and embed documents from your Google Drive. You have to either create a document in your Google Drive account or upload an existing document before you can embed. Your document must be publicly accessible to be able to view on your website.

B.3. Add from Box.com

Box.com Popup

Embed your files hosted on the Box.com cloud service. Unlike the other options here the files will be displayed in Box.com's native viewer.

C. Settings & Options

You can access the settings page from 'Settings > Embed Any Document Plus'

C.1. General Settings

You can set default size and download link options from this page

C.2. Cloud Settings

In order to make the cloud options work you need to generate API keys for the respective services and paste them here. How to obtain keys.

D. Configuring Cloud APIs

To be able to embed documents from your cloud accounts you need to get an API key from the respective service providers and add them to Embed Any Documents Cloud Settings page.


D.1. Getting Dropbox API Key

You need to create a 'Drop-ins' App in Dropbox to get an API Key. Follow the steps below to get your API key.

  1. Click on this link
  2. Choose an API: Select 'Dropbox API'
  3. Choose the type of access: Select Full Dropbox
  4. Enter a name for the app
  5. Click on 'Create App' button
  6. Chooser Domain: Add the domain name in which you have installed the plugin
  7. Copy the App key

D.2. Getting Google Drive API

Watch the video guide

Click here to Watch the video guide

This is a bit tricky. You need to add a Client ID also along with API key for Google Drive.

  1. Click this link
  2. Click on 'Create Project' button
  3. Give your project a name and click on 'Create'
  4. Click on 'Credentials' link in the left sidebar
  5. Click on 'OAuth consent' tab, enter a product name and click on 'Save'. You can leave the rest of the fields blank.
  6. Now click on 'Create Credentials’ dropdown button and select OAuth Client ID
  7. Select 'Web application' as Application type, enter your WordPress website's URL with 'www.' as Authorized Javascript origin (http://www.yourwebsite.com) and click on 'Create button
  8. Now you have your Client ID created. You are almost there. Let's create your API key! Click on 'Create credentials' dropdown button again and click on 'API Key'
  9. Choose 'Browser Key' from the popup
  10. Enter the domain name int the format *.yourwebsite.com/* (without ‘http') and click on 'Create' button
  11. Click on Library menu from the sidebar
  12. Search for 'Google Drive API', click on it and enable it
  13. Go back, search for 'Google Picker API' and enable it
  14. Now copy Client ID and API Key from the 'Credentials' page and paste them in your website's 'Cloud Settings' page

D.3. Getting Box.com API

Getting an API key for your Box.com account is a rather simple thing. Click on the link below to watch video tutorial.

How to obtain Box.com API Key

  1. Click on this link
  2. Login to your Box.com Account
  3. From the following screen Select 'Box View'
  4. Enter a name for app and click 'Create Application'
  5. Click 'Configure your application' button from the following screen
  6. Find your API key and copy/paste it in your plugin settings page.

E. The Viewers

The plugin supports three kinds of viewers.

E.1. Google Docs Viewer

The Google Docs Viewer is an online service from Google to view and embed various types of document files. Embed Any Document plugin primarily uses Google Docs Viewer service to embed and display your documents.

Supported file types

E.2. Microsoft Office Online

Office Online is an online tool from Microsoft to easily embed and view Microsoft Office Documents. It is the best tool for viewing Office Documents online.

Supported file types

E.3. Box.com Native Document Viewer

Files hosted in your Box.com account will be embedded using Box.com's native UI. You cannot change it to Google Docs Viewer or Microsoft Office Online.

F. Shortcode & Attributes

Example of a shortcode supported by Embed Any Document plugin is below

[embeddoc url="http://awsm.in/ppt.pptx" width="550px" height="700px" download="none" viewer="microsoft"]

Attributes are explained below

url File URL
Accepted Arguments: valid file URL
width Width of document either in px or in %.
Accepted Argument Examples: 90% , 590px etc.
height Height of document in px.
Accepted Argument Example: 500px.
download Show or hide download link.
Accepted Arguments:
all - For all user
logged - For logged user
none - no download
viewer Service provider
Accepted Arguments: google, drive, box, microsoft
cache Disables cache for documents embedded using Google Docs Viewer
Accepted Argument: off
text Changes default download button text
Accepted Argument: Text input
boxtheme To choose embed theme for Box.com embeds
Accepted Arguments: dark,light


1. How do I add documents?

Once the plugin is activated you can find 'Add Document' button in your WordPress visual editor. Just click on that and follow your heart.

2. File not found error in my localhost site!

The viewers (Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online) do not support locally hosted files. Your document has to be available online for the viewers to access.

3. Google Docs Viewer shows Bandwidth exceeded or File can't be opened error.

The issue is caused by Google Docs Viewer, not the plugin. Google Docs Viewer is a standalone documents viewer which doesn't limit bandwidth. When the problem occurs, usually reloading the page will result in the document loading properly. If it is still not working try changing the viewer to Microsoft Office Online (for MS Office Documents) or upload document to your Google Drive and embed it directly from there.

4. Large files are not working

The viewers can handle files of a limited size only (Maximum 8MB for Google Docs Viewer and 10MB for Microsoft Office Online). Try your best to keep the documents under 5MB. Check out some ways to reduce file size. If you have a larger file you want to embed in your website, try uploading it to your Google Drive or Box.com account and embed directly from there.

5. Download link not showing up for the files embedded from Google Drive and Box.com.

The services do not let us access direct URLs of documents they host. So EAD cannot generate a download link for the files hosted with Google Drive and Box.com

6. File is updated but Microsoft Office Online Viewer is still showing the old document.

Microsoft Office Online does cache your document for a few hours. Their own documentation recommends you to save it as a different document and embed again in case if you have any modifications. Cache can't be cleared manually. In such cases pleases use Google Docs Viewer instead and switch on 'Don't cache' option (from version 1.1)

7. Can I remove download button from the viewer?

Embed Any Document makes use of the cloud services Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online to embed and display documents easily in a WordPress website. Unfortunately we do not have privilege to alter any features and options that comes by default with the viewers, including the download button.

8. Video and Audio are not playing in Embedded files?

The viewers (Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online Viewer) do not support audio and video playback on embedded files.

9. Google Drive popup shows an error.

Usually errors show up when the API settings are not configured properly. In that case, please double-check the API configurations with the steps. Make sure you have enabled Drive API and Google Picker API in API Manager. If it’s still not working, try generating a new API key and client ID.

Common Errors

1. The API developer key is invalid: One of the reason that causes this error is the URL format of 'HTTP Referrer' you have submitted in Browser API Key section. Use wildcards to make sure it works perfectly throughout the website. If your website is http://example.com, enter *.example.com/* as HTTP Referrer, without the 'http://' protocol

2. Error 400 - origin_mismatch: Double checking the 'Javascript Origin URL' you have submitted for 'Client ID' would usually solve this issue. Unlike the HTTP Referrer URL, you cannot use any wildcards here and it must contain the 'http' protocol. If you are using this plugin on http://news.example.com/, enter http://news.example.com as Javascript Origin URL, without the trailing slash '/'.

NOTE: Any change you make in the API settings may take 5 to 10 minutes to reflect in your website.

10. Dropbox popup shows an error.

Please open your Dropbox API settings and check if you have your domain name added properly in in 'Chooser/Saver Domain' field.

G. Changelog

V 2.1.2 [23 Feb 2018]

V 2.1.1 [24 Jan 2018]

V 2.1.0 [13 May 2017]

V 2.0.2 [01 Oct 2016]

V 2.0.1 [26 Sep 2016]

V 2.0 [26 June 2016]

V 1.1 [20 Feb 2015]

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This is an AWSM Project.