Our writings

Author: Jyolsna

Jyolsna Thu Jul 01 2021

Today we complete 5 years as AWSM!

The past 5 years have been a rollercoaster ride but we have enjoyed every moment of it. We had unexpected successes, learned from our mistakes and evolved as a team. From ‘Fidiz Solutions’ to AWSM We started our WordPress journey as Fidiz Solutions in 2010. Even in the early days, we had a clear vision […]

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Awsm’s Year in Review – 2020

2020 may probably go down in history as the year that should never have been. The pandemic sure threw a spanner onto our plans and forced us to skip many traditions like the Annual Family Outing. But even amidst all this darkness, we managed to find our own awesome ways of dealing and coming on […]

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Bidding Goodbye to Drivr Plugin

Goodbyes are always difficult. Especially so when it comes to a plugin where hundreds of users are likely to be affected by such a situation. But if the consequences are minimal, then maybe it’s time to finally move on. Drivr – Google Drive Plugin Drivr helps you to access docs and files from Google Drive […]

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Joining the Birthday Party of WordPress!

Today WordPress turns sassy Seventeen! It is no longer the juvenile blogging tool but has grown to be the power that backs up more than 36% of the web. This staggering growth is mainly due to the contributions from the devoted WordPress community spanning all over the globe and numbering millions.  On this glorious occasion, […]

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